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Statement on JuicyFields case
Written by Niko
Updated over a week ago

We at VIALET are shocked by the recent news on the JuicyFields case. VIALET is a licensed electronic money institution, the activities of which are strictly supervised. We would like to emphasize that VIALET is in no way related to JuicyHoldings' possible illegal actions and we are thoroughly investigating information related to this case, as well as certain measures were already taken, including cooperation with the local regulatory institutions. Also, VIALET is ready to cooperate with any institutions that are carrying out the JuicyFields investigation.

Once the information on the supposed illegal actions has reached us, we have carried out an in-house investigation concerning the VIALET employee that was mentioned in the media. Based on our research we concluded that the above mentioned allegations are not justified.

Security and transparency of every client is extremely important for VIALET to make sure that both our clients and VIALET can develop businesses in a safe & healthy environment.

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